Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plates Sheets Strips JIS JIS-C1720P/C1720R

C17200 Details: C17200 Beryllium Copper Cube2--C17200 (CDA 172) Beryllium Copper is the most commonly utilized Copper Beryllium alloy and is notable for its highest strength and hardness compared to commercial copper alloys. C17200 alloy contains appr. 2% of beryllium and achieves its ultimate tensile strength can exceed 200 ksi, while the hardness approaches Rockwell C45. Meanwhile, the electrical conductivity is a minimum of 22% IACS in the fully aged condition.C17200 also exhibits exceptional resistance to stress relaxation at elevated temperatures. Typical Application for C17200 Beryllium Copper Alloys: Electrical Industry: Electrical Switch and Relay Blades, Fuse Clips, Switch Parts, Relay parts, Connectors, Spring Connectors, Contact Bridges, Belleville Washers, Navigational Instruments, Clips Fasteners: Washers, Fasteners, Lock Washers, Retaining Rings, Roll Pins, Screws, Bolts Industrial: Pumps, Springs, Electrochemical, Shafts, Non Sparking Safety Tools, Flexible Metal Hose, Housings for Instruments, Bearings, Bushings, Valve Seats, Valve Stems, Diaphragms, Springs, Welding Equipment, Rolling Mill Parts, Spline Shafts, Pump Parts, Valves, Bourdon Tubes, Wear Plates on Heavy Equipment, Bellows Available Sizes: Custom Diameter & Sizes, Random Mill lengths Available Products (forms): Round bars, Round strips, Round wires, Round tube, Flat bars, Square bars, Rectangular bars, Hexagon bars, Plates, Sheets, Coils Custom shapes are available upon request. Chemical Composition: Be: 1.85-2.10% Co+Ni: 0.20% Min. Co+Ni+Fe: 0.60% Max. Cu: Balance Note: Copper plus additions equal 99.5% minimum. Typical Physical Properties: Density (g/cm3): 8.36 Density before age hardening (g/cm3): 8.25 Elastic Modulus (kg/mm2 (103)): 13.40 Thermal Expansion Coefficient (20 °C to 200 °C m/m/°C): 17 x 10-6 Thermal Conductivity (cal/(cm-s-°C)): 0.25 Melting Range (°C): 870-980 Note: 1). the units are based upon Metric. 2). the typical physical properties apply to age hardened products. International Specification: Rods/Bars/Tubes: ASTM B196,251,463; SAE J461,463; AMS 4533,4534,4535; AMS4650,4651; RWMA Class 4 Strips: ASTM B194, AMS4530,4532; SAE J461,463 Sheets: ASTM B194 Wires: ASTM B197, AMS4725, SAE J461,463 Plates: ASTM B194, SAE J461,463; AMS4530,4533,4534,AMS4650,4651; RWMA Class 4. European Standards: CuBe2, DIN 2.1247, CW101C to EN Note: ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers AMS: Aerospace Materials Specification (Published by SAE) RWMA: Resistance Welder Manufacturers' Association Note: Unless otherwise specified, material will be produced to ASTM. Mechanical Properties: The Mechanical Properties will be available on request from customers. Most Commonly Temper Used: Rods/Bars/Tubes: A(TB00),H(TD04),AT(TF00),HT(TH04) Strips: A(TB00),1/4 H(TD01),1/2 H(TD02),H(TD04) Sheets: A(TB00),1/4 H(TD01),1/2 H(TD02),H(TD04),AT(TF00) Wires: A(TB00),1/4 H(TD01),1/2 H(TD02),3/4H(TD03),H(TD04) Plates: A(TB00),H(TD04),AT(TF00),HT(TH04)  


Beryllium Copper Physical Properties 25 C17200
   Yield Strength 108 cycles ksi Hardness
Temper Heat Treatment Tensile Strength ksi 0.2% offset ksi Elongation % Fatigue Strength Diamond Pyramid Rockwell B or C Rockwell Superficial Electrical Conductivity % IACS
A Dead Soft (TB00) -- 60-76 28-36 35-65 30-35 90-144 B45-78 30T46-67 15-19
A Planished (TB00) -- 60-78 30-55 35-60 30-35 90-144  B45-78  30T46-67 15-19
1/4 H (TD01) -- 75-88 60-80 20-45 31-36 121-185  B68-90  30T62-75 15-19
1/2 H(TD02) -- 85-100 75-95 12-30 32-38 176-216  B88-96  30T74-79 15-19
H (TD04) -- 100-120 90-115 2-18 35-39 216-287  B96-102  30T79-83 15-19
AT (TF00) 3 hr. at 600 °F 165-195 140-175 3-15 40-45 353-413 C36-42  30N56-62 22-28
1/4 HT (TH01)  2 hr. at 600 °F 175-205 150-185 3-10 40-45 353-424  C36-43  30N56-63 22-28
1/2 HT (TH02) 2 hr. at 600 °F 185-215 160-195 1-8  42-47 373-435  C38-44 30N58-63 22-28
HT (TH04) 2 hr. at 600 °F 190-220 165-205 1-6  45-50 373-446  C38-45  30N58-65 22-28
Beryllium Copper Physical Properties 190 C17200
   Yield Strength 108 Cycles ksi Hardness
Temper Heat Treatment Tensile Strength ksi 0.2% offset ksi Elongation % Fatigue Strength Diamond Pyramid Rockwell B or C Rockwell Superficial Electrical Conductivity % IACS
AM (TM00) Mill Hardened 100-110 70-95 16-30 40-45 210-251 B95-C23 30N37-44 17-28
1/4 HM (TM01) Mill Hardened 110-120 80-110 15-25 41-47 230-271 C20-26 30N41-47 17-28
1/2 HM (TM02) Mill Hardened 120-135 95-125 12-22 42-48 250-301 C23-30 30N44-51 17-28
HM (TM04) Mill Hardened 135-150 110-135 9-20 45-52 285-343 C28-35 30N48-55 17-28
SHM (TM05) Mill Hardened 150-160 125-140 9-18 47-55 309-363 C31-37 30N52-56 17-28
XHM (TM06) Mill Hardened 155-175 135-170 4-15 50-57 317-378 C32-38 30N52-58 17-28
XHMS (TM08) Mill Hardened 175-190 150-180 3-12 50-60 325-413 C33-42 30N53-62 17-28
Beryllium Copper Physical Properties 290 C17200
   Yield Strength 108 Cycles ksi Hardness
Temper Heat Treatment Tensile Strength ksi 0.2% offset ksi Elongation % Fatigue Strength Diamond Pyramid Rockwell B or C Rockwell Superficial Electrical Conductivity % IACS
TM00 Mill Hardened 100 min 75-95  19-35  40-45  225-309  B98-C31  30T81-30N52  17-26
TM02 Mill Hardened  120 min  95-115  14-30  42-48  255-339  C25-34  30N46-54  17-26
TM04 Mill Hardened  140 min  115-135  9-25  44-50  285-369  C28-38  30N48-58  17-26
TM06 Mill Hardened  155 min  135-155  6-13  47-57  317-393 C32-40  30N52-60  17-26
TM08 Mill Hardened  175 min  155-175  3-15  50-60  345-429  C35-43  30N55-62  17-26
Beryllium Copper Physical Properties 174 C17410
   Yield Strength 108 Cycles ksi Hardness
Temper Heat Treatment Tensile Strength ksi 0.2% offset ksi Elongation % Fatigue Strength Diamond Pyramid Rockwell B or C Rockwell Superficial Electrical Conductivity % IACS
1/2 HT (TH02)  Mill Hardened 95-115  80-100  10-20  40-45 180-230  B89-98  30T75-81.9  50 min
 HT (TH04)  Mill Hardened  110-130  100-120  7-17  40-45  210-278  B95-102  30T79-30N48  45-60
Beryllium Copper Physical Properties 3 C17510
   Yield Strength 108 Cycles ksi Hardness
Temper Heat Treatment Tensile Strength ksi 0.2% offset ksi Elongation % Fatigue Strength Diamond Pyramid Rockwell B or C Rockwell Superficial Electrical Conductivity % IACS
A (TB00) - 35-55 20-45 20-40 20-30 65-125 B20-45 30T28-45 20-30
H (TD04) - 70-85 55-80 2-10 25-35 144-176 B78-88 30T69-75 20-30
 AT (TF00)  Mill Hardened  100-130  80-100  10-25  38-44  195-275  B92-100  30T77-82 45-60
 HT (TH04)  Mill Hardened  110-135  95-120  8-20  42-47  216-287  B95-102  30T79-83  48-60
Beryllium Copper Physical Properties Brush 60 C17460
   Yield Strength 108 Cycles ksi Hardness
Temper Heat Treatment Tensile Strength ksi 0.2% offset ksi Elongation % Fatigue Strength Diamond Pyramid Rockwell B or C Rockwell Superficial Electrical Conductivity % IACS
3/4 HT (TH03)  Mill Hardened  115-135  95-115  11min  46-47  50min
 HT (TH04)  Mill Hardened  120-140  105-125  10min  42-45  50min
Copper Beryllium Strip Specifications
Materion Brush Performance Alloys UNS Number Specification
 25  C1720  ASTM B194
 190  C17200  ASTM B194
 290  C17200  ASTM B194
 3  C17510  ASTM B534
 174  C17410  ASTM B768
 Brush 60 C17460  ASTM B768
 ASTM  American Society for Testing and Materials
QQ  Federal Specification
 MIL  Military Specification
 SAE  Society of Automotive Engineers
 AMS  Aerospace Materials Specification (Published by SAE)