No. 2D Finish is a uniform, dull silver gray finish that is applied to thinner coils whose thickness has been reduced by cold rolling. After rolling, the coil is heat treated to produce a uniform microstructure (annealing) and to meet mechanical property requirements. Pickling or descaling is necessary after heat treatment to remove the chromium depleted dark surface layer and restore corrosion resistance. Pickling can be the final step in production of this finish, but, when finish uniformity and/or flatness are important, there is a subsequent final light cold rolling pass (skin pass) through dull rolls. A No. 2D finish is preferred for deep drawing components because it retains lubricants well. It is used as a substrate when a painted finish is desired because it provides excellent paint adherence.
Automotive exhaust systems, Builder’s hardware, Chemical equipment, Chemical trays and pans, Electric range parts, Furnace parts, Petrochemical equipment, Rail car parts, Roof drainage systems, Roofing, Stone anchors