What is No 3 finish in stainless steel?

No. 3 Finish

No. 3 Finish is characterized by short, relatively coarse, parallel polishing lines, which extend uniformly along the length of the coil. It is obtained by either mechanically polishing with gradually finer abrasives or by passing the coil through special rolls, which press a pattern into the surface that simulates the appearance of mechanical abrasion. It is a moderately reflective finish. When mechanically polishing, 50 or 80 grit abrasives are typically used initially and the final finish is typically achieved with 100 or 120 grit abrasives. The surface roughness is typically Ra 40 micro-inches or less. If a fabricator needs to blend in welds or do other refinishing, the resulting polishing lines are usually longer than on product polished by a producer or toll-polishing house.


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